Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Service Design Tools | an open community gathering and sharing tools for design is a wonderfully detailed collection of resources suited to evaluating user contexts, for helping you adopt a `design attitude'. The resource is supported by an on-going project aimed at bridging education, academic research and professional practices.(

The following methods are listed on the service design tools site:

Brainstorming (a tool for: ideation)

Business model canvas (a tool for: implementation)

Concept walkthrough (a tool for: ideation, for prototyping)

Diary studies (a tool for: field research)
Diary studies: understanding long-term behavior and experiences NN/G
Observing the user experience: A practitioner’s guide to user research [Goodman et al., 2012]

Ecosystem map (a tool for: field research)
The product service ecology: using a systems approach in design [Forlizzi, 2013]
Designing Service Entanglements [Chung, 2015]

Emotional journey (a tool for: field research)
Enhancing the experience of the train journey [van Hagen and Bron, 2014]

Empathy map (a tool for: field research)
Designing personas with empathy map [Ferreira et al., 2015]

Evaluation matrix (a tool for: ideation)

Experience principles (a tool for: ideation)

Experience prototypes (a tool for: prototyping)

Hypothesis generation (a tool for: ideation)

Interview guide (a tool for: field research)
Why User Interviews Fail NN/G

Issue cards (a tool for: field research, for ideation)
Using card sorting technique to classify requirements change [Nurmuliani et al., 2004]
Card sorting: Designing usable categories [Spencer, 2009]

Journey mapping / customer journey (a tool for: field research)
Journey mapping 101 NN/G
Walking a mile in the user’s shoes [Marquez et al., 2015]
Using customer journey maps to improve customer experience [Richardson, 2010]
Mapping the customer journey [Temkin, 2010]

Mindmap (a tool for: ideation)

Observation notes (a tool for: field research)

Offering map (a tool for: implementation)

Personas (a tool for: field research)

Recruiting screener (a tool for: field research)

Research plan (a tool for: field research)

Role playing (a tool for: prototyping)

Rough prototyping (a tool for: prototyping)

Service blueprint (a tool for: implementation)

Service image (a tool for: prototyping)

Service prototype (a tool for: prototyping)

Service roadmap (a tool for: implementation)

Service specifications (a tool for: implementation)

Stakeholders map (a tool for: field research, for implementation)

Success metrics (a tool for: implementation)

Synthesis wall (a tool for: field research)

System map (a tool for: field research, for implementation)

Tomorrow's narratives (a tool for: ideation, for prototyping)

User scenarios (a tool for: prototyping, for implementation)

User stories (a tool for: prototyping)

Value proposition canvas (a tool for: implementation)